While seeking an answer to the questions above, Model School project was envisioned in the belief that social development is possible only if learning environments address the needs of students and the school community. The project aims to create models for other schools with its physical conditions, values and methodology. Also it provides a democratic and an inclusive school culture thus children learn how to find their interests and to be a part of the community life. This environment enables children to grow up as happy individuals.
Vehbi Koç Foundation Model School project provides a “middle school model” for secondary stage (5th - 8th grade) of elementary education through redesign and reconstruction of learning environments, which will support to improve the 21th century skills.
Why should learning environments be transformed to make children; eager to learn and curious, discover and improve their skills, express their wishes and thoughts, respect and approach with affection to themselves and others, act in solidarity and achieve working as a team, aware of living together in peace,
take responsibilities for a better world, equipped academically, acquire critical learning skills, use technology efficiently?
Many issues related to the learning environment such as lightening, layout of the classroom, nutrition, use of garden, education methods, participation of parents and graduates, are addressed in a multidirectional way. Holistic beings by nature, children are able to discover the world and find their interests in such an enabling environment, which is designed especially for themselves.